Sports is an integral part of the St. Thomas Long Island culture. Many of the youth participate in various church sporting events throughout the year. We believe that sports play a primarily positive role in the development of the youth of the parish and builds stronger peer relationships.
Since 2002 the parish has hosted an annual basketball tournament called the STYL Invitational Basketball Tournament. This tournament has been a fixture in the Christian Malayalee culture in the US. Churches of various denominations from across the country have participated in the tournament. In 2016 the basketball tournament was renamed in honor of Anil John, a young member of the parish and its basketball team, who passed on.
You have donated your funds and your fierce hearts of competition and brotherhood for us to open our eyes to a beautiful church. You have extended your hands to us, and we now extend our hands to you so that we may worship as brothers and sisters in true and adorable faith.